The UniversityPresentation


The University of Minho is currently one of the most prestigious Portuguese higher education institutions and is gradually becoming more prominent internationally.

The University was founded in 1973, and it is currently comprised of three campi: the Gualtar Campus, in Braga, and the Azurém and Couros Campi, in Guimarães.


The University of Minho has a strong policy for internationalisation, which is reflected in its main lines of action – education, research and innovation, and interaction with the society.

Regarding education, through its interaction with more than 80 countries and 400 universities around the world, UMinho is very active in the recruitment of international students, in mobility programs, in the establishment of degrees in association, and in distance learning, vectors that allow for the internationalisation of its educational offer.

In terms of research and innovation, the dynamic participation of UMinho in partnerships with foreign research centres ​that translate into various scientific articles in journals with impact factor, on the one hand, and its integration in various international research networks such as, for example, the Campus do Mar – International​ Campus of Excellence, or the EXPERTISSUES – European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, are to be highlighted.

Finally, on the dimension of interaction with the society, there are several lines of action along which the UMinho goes international, namely practices of valorization of knowledge, or sports and cultural activities that are projected in the international context.

As a reflection of its internationalisation policy, the University of Minho belongs to several international networks of cooperation, such as, among others:

AULP – Association of Portuguese Language Universities

CEER – Centre for Studies on Euroregional Galicia – North of Portugal

CGU – Compostela Group of Universities

CRUSOE – Council of Rectors of the Universities of South-western​​ Europe

EUA – European University Association

GUPES – The Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability

SGroup – Santander Group European Universities Network

United Nations Global Comp​act

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